Stitch the Movie
The original voice cast of Lilo & Stitch returns for this direct-to-video sequel, which follows the further adventures of Stitch (aka Experiment 626) and his new surrogate family in Hawaii. It seems that Dr. Jumba (David Ogden Stiers) has brought his other 625 experiments to Earth, and now it's up to Stitch and company to make sure the villainous Dr. Hamsterviel (Jeff Bennett) doesn't get his hands on them. Among Stitch's potential new friends are Experiment 221, a havoc-wreaking electrical being, and Experiment 624, a lazy creature who enjoys making sandwiches.
> Due to the current limited nature of music titles, ALL CD & Vinyl purchases are limited to THREE copies per customer, per item. If you place multiple orders for multiples the same title, your subsequent orders will be canceled.
The original voice cast of Lilo & Stitch returns for this direct-to-video sequel, which follows the further adventures of Stitch (aka Experiment 626) and his new surrogate family in Hawaii. It seems that Dr. Jumba (David Ogden Stiers) has brought his other 625 experiments to Earth, and now it's up to Stitch and company to make sure the villainous Dr. Hamsterviel (Jeff Bennett) doesn't get his hands on them. Among Stitch's potential new friends are Experiment 221, a havoc-wreaking electrical being, and Experiment 624, a lazy creature who enjoys making sandwiches.
> Due to the current limited nature of music titles, ALL CD & Vinyl purchases are limited to THREE copies per customer, per item. If you place multiple orders for multiples the same title, your subsequent orders will be canceled.